Project details
Quartier Glashüttenareal Achern
Biological in-situ remediation
Parallel to the preparation of the residential area "Neues Wohnen an der Acher", groundwater remediation was successfully carried out by MuP Umwelttechnik GmbH.
Based on the available documents and our own investigation services, we carried out a contaminated site and groundwater remediation. Hydrogeological and environmental analytical investigations for a comprehensive understanding of the hydrogeological conditions laid the foundation for determining the extent of the focus of the damage. Through additional groundwater exploration and immission pumping tests, we were able to narrow down the extent of the GW plume. Preliminary tests were carried out in our laboratory to determine the applicability of in-situ remediation methods (ISCO / biodegradability) and to determine framework parameters. After just under 1 ½ years of remediation operation and a further 6 months of monitoring, we were able to successfully complete our biological in-situ remediation of the groundwater on the former industrial site in Achern at the end of May 2020 and dismantle the plant technology.
Services MuP Umwelttechnik GmbH:
- Planning of the remediation infrastructure, well construction and measuring points
- Creation of groundwater outcrops as production and infiltration wells, as well as groundwater monitoring wells for use in the course of biological in-situ remediation.
- Status sampling to determine remediation options
- Horizontal sampling of the aquifer
- Carrying out immission pumping tests
- Laboratory studies to identify remediation options
- Planning of the remediation plant technology, plant construction, delivery and commissioning
- Groundwater monitoring